Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Microwave Lemon Curd

Alternate title:  The microwave redeems itself

The microwave and I have not been companions for awhile.  We lived without one for the past 6 years (it's a long story, put it down to my paranoia).  But when we moved into this place, it came with a microwave.  I use it, occasionally and cautiously.  I have, however, found one use that causes the microwave to go up a step in its usefulness:  lemon curd!

I had this lovely, tho odd shaped, Meyer lemon and I wanted to try out this recipe.  Nancy runs a tearoom, and so I knew it had to be good.  Wow - was it!  And so simple, too.

Harrod's recipe for golden raisin scones and homemade Meyer lemon curd

 I'd like to try making other fruit curds in the microwave.  Please let me know if any of you have experience with that. 

And here's a cool connection!  Today is March 9, and Nancy originally posted this recipe on March 9 two years ago.  Serendipity!


  1. Oh, yum! Glad you tried this easy method! Two years to the date - how about that! Orange curd works too, but with a slight recipe variation - 3 eggs, 1/2 c. butter, 1 c. sugar, freshly zested orange and lemon, 2 Tbsp. lemon juice and 6 Tbsp. orange juice. I prefer the lemon curd, but make the orange curd when I want some variety. Thanks for the link to Rosemary's Sampler! (My word verification was goorhmet... yep, that's me alright...not quite gourmet, but always trying!) Nancy

  2. Thank you, Nancy! I'll give the orange curd a try, too...and what a cool word verification. ;)

  3. I've never had lemon curd, nor a Meyer lemon. It sounds like a fascinating fruit. I love hybrid citrus, like the Minneola tangelo (grapefruit x tangerine).

    And those are beautiful scones!

  4. I only make lemon curd, but always in the microwave. I must say I feel about like you when it comes to the microwave, but lemon curd is so much easier done this way.

  5. Steph & Rosemary THANKS for the post on this curd- can't wait to try it. I have some Meyers lemons in the fridge- I think I'll be baking scones and making curd today...Yummy. AND trying the orange version that Rosemary has posted as well!

  6. Yes, making lemon curd in the microwave is great - so much easier. My recipe is from the Magnolia & Ivy Tearoom (now closed).

    One trick I learned is to always use a silicone whisk and avoid any weird flavor transfer.

  7. sounds must be if you are using a microwave! :)

  8. Learn something new every day. Our microwave is in more frequent use than I care to admit, but never before for lemon curd. I'll have to give it a try!


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