Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring Around the House

These pussy willows were glorious in their bud form, silvery and downy.  And now that they've popped, I can't help but shoot them against the dark pink wall.

The soft focus is nice, tho an accident.  I was trying to shoot in a medium-light condition, hand held on 400 ISO.  Blurry.  But I like the result.

Found these daffodils in the small field next to us.  Did someone throw out a pot of them?
The symbology here is that I'm planning a tea trip to Asia!

Two types of plum branches.  I love the pink, burgundy, white and green contrasts.


  1. Planning such a trip must be very exciting.

    Love the pussy willows. We had them in our backyard when I was a child living in Toronto, but I don't think they grow here in GA.

  2. The only things we have blooming here in northern Delaware are snowdrops...but I'm starting to see changes.

    I think buds, and not just from pussy willow, are really beautiful and interesting to watch.

    I love the buds of red maples. In Ohio, where there were forests of mostly red maples, there was a period in the early spring where these forests would look like they were tinged red at the top because all the red maple buds were ready to leaf out. Here there are some patches of red maple here and there but it doesn't have quite the same effect!

  3. Love seeing the first blooms and blossoms. I will look forward to hearing all about your tea trip.

  4. The pictures are beautiful! How wonderful that spring is arriving!!!!! It is a bit sooner where you live than where I do, but your post gives me hope!


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