Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sliced or Smooshed?

Perfectly sliced berries in a strawberry shortcake

Strawberry shortcake is one of my favorite treats!  Nothing says early summer to me like this indulgence.  However, there is great debate at our house regarding the best way to prepare it.

Me:  The shortcake is cakey...the strawberries are sliced or chunked, NOT smooshed.  The ensemble is assembled just before serving.

DH:  The shortcake is a pie-crust-like base, the berries are smooshed, and the ensemble soaks together overnight.

I know he loves me because he made this shortcake in the cake-sliced style.

How do you like your strawberry shortcake?


  1. Couldn't agree with YOU more, Steph! Definitely sliced not smooshed!

  2. Well of course we're right! ;-)
    Here's another delicious strawberry dessert from a couple of years ago:


  3. well, I like my strawberries with lots of juice...so maybe smooshed, but not with the cake. I like my strawberries without the cake...but you can still give me the cool whip! :)

  4. I would like a sample of each please...then I will give you my comments! :)


  5. Hootie - You're clever!

  6. I like mine the *proper* way, which is of course yours. (Winking to the DH, who gets points for making it your way!)

  7. Isn't it funny how everyone has a different way of serving strawberries. I like the cake, but slightly smooch the berries. Then I put it all together at the last minute.

  8. I use freshly baked (not too sweet) drop type biscuits with chunked strawberries and whipped cream for my version of strawberry shortcake.

  9. Sliced please, with sugar to pull the juices from the berries over a yummy shortcake with lots of whipped cream. Oh yum. P.S. welcome to ATAA.. it's a fun place to be!

  10. Anything goes with strawberry and a short cake will do. This desert is the most perfect food to have when you are having a special occasions. In case you have fertility concerns, I found this site that maybe helpful. http://www.natural-fertility-prescription.com

  11. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Totally with you Steph, though I prefer a good slightly sweet scone or biscuit-like cake. My family often used angle's food cake, but that always got too soggy too fast. A dollop of whipped cream on top is perfect too! BUT I would be willing to try pie crust if it wasn't soggy... = )

  12. My family always had the strawberries sliced with sponge cake or angel food cake and Cool Whip. I've had it with biscuits though and the crispness of the biscuit is really good with the strawberries. And my in-laws are purists so I don't think I've had Cool Whip in years now.


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