Friday, June 03, 2011

Tweed Ride

Tweed Ride, San Luis Obispo

I was walking down the street in San Luis Obispo, CA a few weeks ago.  I looked behind me for a moment, and caught these dapper folks coming towards me.  It was the "Tweed Ride" and was great fun to watch!

Happy Belated Bicycle Month (May)!  I'll be spending large parts of my weekends over the summer on my bike, in prep for a week-long touring ride in August.  These photos capture the spirit of how I feel when I'm on a ride.  Freedom

If you like to cycle, how does it make you feel?


  1. I love to bicycle, but I don't do it because I don't like to ride with cars going by. Love how the breeze blows through my hair.

  2. I so, so love San Luis Obispo! That is where I graduated from college. :-)

  3. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Some folks in Bloomington held a tweed ride in March. I saw them gathering in a parking lot and playing a quick game of cricket on their bikes--pure hilarity!


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