Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Captures the Moment

Photo by Mitra
This photo holds special meaning for me.  When I saw it I was immediately taken back to this moment (last night).  Summertime.  Dining outside.  Great drinks, food AND dessert.  Leisurely conversation with a girlfriend.  Relaxation, sharing, celebration.  This photo gets to the core of that experience for me.  It reminds me that these moments in time are not indulgences; rather, they are necessities.  Time out for grownups who are too busy.  Time out for listening and being heard.  Time out to slow down, savor.  Time out to consider the menu.  Time out to love life, precious in each moment.  Thank you.


  1. A most perfect time.

  2. So glad that you have found a friend to enjoy time with in Oregon!

  3. Yes, we do need those time outs sometimes more than we realize. This looks like a very special time out and love the picture of you.

  4. You are discovering one of the many ingredients in a well-lived life. Taking time to savor the life we have, the sights, the smells, the friendships, the serendipities.

    I love your blouse - so cool and feminine.


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