Friday, July 15, 2011


Thinking of purple...

Lavender fields, lavender in my tea tin, not all lavender is the same color, taste, or smell.  The lavender color of my high school prom dress.  My amethyst birth-month friends.  The amethyst in Cin's wedding.  Go Rockets!

That purple is the favorite color of a dear friend (Esme) and my sister.  "When I'm an Old Woman..."  The soft purple of wild iris that grow up in the foothills.  The deep-black purple of grandma's iris, with its velvety secrets.  The aroma of lavender, of an iris, of lilac.  Bees like the cat mint.  Their buzzing vibrates in my chest.  I can touch them, they are so intoxicated with the nectar.  I want to show my niece.  The Secret Life of Bees and the purple honey.  The color of royalty, the color for you.

Where does purple take you?


  1. Purple is my favorite color...It is peaceful to me. It means "home" and "comfort" and "confident." Beautiful post!

  2. Purple takes me back to my mother's home and the large oil painting of lilacs that her dear friend painted for her. And it takes me outside to my flower garden where lavender bud, from palest white to light violet, gray-purple and dark purple border the garden beds. I love lavender!

    Really nice post! Thank you!

  3. Lavender is my favorite color and my favorite smell. The color makes me feel like "ahhhhh" whenever I enter a room with it. I can never get enough of it. I had my first lavender daiquiri last week and it won't be the last.

  4. Lovely! What a coincidence that I also blogged about purple and lavender. Well, it is the lavender season of course!

    Thanks for sharing :)

    This Good Life

  5. In this moment~~

    Purple takes me back to the abundance of lilac bushes that “scent” its perfume through my open screened windows and it my childhood bedroom.

    Thank you for the memories.

  6. Some of my most favorite clothing items have been purple, and suddenly I'm remembering that sweater, the hat, the dress ... And I don't know why "fashion" keeps coming to mind, but I remember overdoing the purple in college once by wearing a purple dress, purple pantyhose and purple high heels. A classmate told me he thought I looked like "a luscious purple grape." (This was not a compliment!)

    Purple also takes me to this utterly delightful blog post written by a tea friend with a marvelous gift for writing! (I believe you do technical writing in your day job, but I sincerely hope you have a novel or something in the works, my friend!)

  7. Purple always reminds me of royalty. I have friends that love it. I like it especially in the garden, but not so much to wear or in my house. I am really loving the lavender in my garden right now.


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