Friday, October 28, 2011

Experience Tea (Issaquah, WA)

Roberta and I are standing in her tea studio

Meet my friend Roberta.  She and I became acquainted on the China Tea Tour, and I am delighted that she lives in the Pacific Northwest!  She has just opened a tea shop in Issaquah, WA called Experience Tea.  I had the opportunity to visit her this week, and I recommend this as a must-see for the next time you are near Seattle.

When you walk into the building, you'll be met with this vibrant green (one of my favorite colors!), announcing that you've made it to the right place. 

Inside, you'll find shelves of high-quality tea (with jars for smelling) and a selection of beautiful tea wares.  Roberta will brew up something for you to sample as you browse the selection.  Some of the treasures - both tea and wares - are ones that she discovered in China.  

During our trip, I enjoyed hearing Roberta talk about her final preparations before the grand opening.  Her vision is to create a community of tea lovers, and she offers classes to bring people closer to the leaf.   
Roberta has completed many of the STI classes on tea, and as you take a sip, she'll guide you on a journey of discovery.   

Experience Tea is located in charming Issaquah, a small town near Seattle.  As I drove into town, the surrounding views were like a painter's palette of autumnal colors.  Deep evergreen, copper, orange, red.  A few of those trees were caught in the window reflection above. 

Best wishes to my friend as she launches this new tea adventure!


  1. How fun to hear of a new tea experience in Issaquah. We have been in that sweet town along time ago and now I have a new reason to travel that direction.

  2. Best of Luck to Roberta and her new endeaver. You wrote a beautiful review and captured the essence of her business in your photography. Looks like a great place!

  3. Oh, how lucky you are. This looks like a fabulous place!

  4. Teafan12:31 PM

    I love the bright colors and that wall mural is really cool.

  5. I like the name, the decor, the offerings -- this truly sounds like a wonderful place and one I would enjoy visiting!

  6. I've been to this wonderful shop several times and I just love it! The owner has dozens of varities of tea, and is so knowledgable about them. The different rooibos are wonderful!


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