Monday, October 31, 2011

New Tea Treasures

Here are some of my newly collected tea treasures.  The little brown (yixing) teapot came from China, along with the utensils.  The tea boat (the tray) came from New Century Tea Gallery in Seattle.  These implements are part of the Gong Fu (Chinese/Taiwanese) style of brewing tea.  In this approach, you use a high ratio of tea leaf to water, you brew in a small pot, and you serve in tiny little cups.  The idea is to do multiple infusions, adjusting each brewing to show the tea at its best.  It's a wonderful way to brew and serve tea, and I hope you can experience it.

The utensils above include tweezers for handling the cups, a tea scoop, a flat-headed device for managing the wet leaves in the pot, a pick for getting leaves out of filers and spouts, and a funnel.  The wood is called "chicken feather" wood in Chinese.

Here are the little cups used with this style of tea.  They'll hold abuot 3 small sips of tea.

Have you enjoyed the Gong Fu style of tea?  It's becoming more accessible in the US and if you're in Portland, you can partake at the Chinese Classical Garden.


  1. Lovely -- and your photos are just terrific! I especially like seeing the "chicken feather" wood grain. How pretty! I've experienced the Gong Fu style of tea only once before, but you have definitely whetted my appetite (or should I say palate?) to learn more!

  2. Colleen4:19 PM

    Your photos are beautiful, Steph! Your tray and utensil set look so beautiful together- and sit at the ready for tea gong fu style- I can almost smell the tea steeping..

  3. Though on a daily basis in my home I make my tea English style, I do love having tea Gong Fu style on many occasions. I love this little teapot.

  4. These are really beautiful photographs, very unlike the sort of unrefined, coarse photographs with careless composition that I tend to take. =)

  5. Thx, Alex! I'm trying to keep improving my skills.

  6. Steph, your tea boat is just beautiful - the perfect stage for your teapot, cups, and utensils. Recalling the fun we had in the tea markets bargaining for our special finds in China. Each shopping foray was like a treasure
    hunt and you indeed found some very unique treasures. Your photos are wonderful! Enjoy using your new tea wares.

    Mary Jane

  7. Such a beautiful collection of treasures with memories and dreams associated with each piece... how wonderful!


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