Monday, December 19, 2011


Anticipation...does your mouth water as you see this photo? Mine does! 
What do you anticipate this time of year?  Special treats like above, or perhaps your favorite treat made only once each year? 

Do you look forward to giving that heart-felt gift?

We celebrate this "season of light," as I like to call it, in so many unique ways.  Do you anticipate...

A landscape covered in snow?
A walk along the beach?
Time with family?
Quiet, alone time?
Songs and merriment?
Contemplation and remembrance?

Whatever you anticipate this year, I hope that it comes to you with love and warmth.

The photos above come from a day trip to Pomeroy Farm.  I'm sending a very special thank you to my friend who treated me to this wonderful afternoon!


  1. An extra special day --- for sure!

  2. An extra special day it was. Thanks for traveling along with me to one of my favorite places.

  3. Lovely little sandwiches! (If you want to see a tea-related photography series, check out my recent blog posts!)

    I am just hoping for friendship, togetherness and love. That's what I am anticipating. It's good enough for me! :)

    Happy holidays,
    This Good Life

  4. My favorite time of the year is usually *this week* of in-between Christmas and New Year's. It's quiet, the social hubbub has died down, and I am all about whipping out a new journal and planning those wonderful things I hope to do in the new year ahead!

    *Love the tag your friend made for your gift. I'll be copying that!


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