Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tea Review: California TeaHouse Jasmine Pearl

The folks at California TeaHouse have been extra patient with me.  They sent me samples to review some time ago, and I'm just now getting around to it!  But here we are....the first review is Jasmine Pearl tea.

Leaf:  The dry pearls are pretty, a mix of dark and light, with dried jasmine flowers added into the mix. I'm fond of these little hand-rolled gems, and this one is particularly fetching. 

Brewing:  I brewed this tea harshly, I wanted to push it to find anything I didn't like. I brewed it with too-hot water for a too-long time.  (By the way, this is what professional tea tasters do, all teas brewed at the boil for longer than you'd think reasonable. A poor tea can't be hidden in this manner.)

Result:  The leaf unfolded well (see below).  The tea liquor was light and aromatic, not cloying or synthetic smelling, two peeves I have with jasmine teas.  The flavor was nice, even after my harsh treatment.  The only fault I could find was that the aftertaste seemed a bit metallic, but again - I pushed the tea hard.  Upon another brewing in gentler manner, the aftertaste concern disappeared.

I've got two more California TeaHouse teas to review, which I'll do soon, I promise!!

Have you tried Jasmine Pearl tea?  What do you expect from it or like about it?


  1. The fragrance of Jasmine Pearl tea is so sweet, I adore it. Those little hand rolled pearls are so precious, I admire it. The flavor of the tea, alas, is not my favorite, I stay away from it.

  2. Teafan12:36 PM

    Jasmine Pearl is a special treat for me. I love it's delicate aroma. These look like lovely ones.

  3. I have to be in the mood for Jasmine Pearls and prefer it not to be too jasminy. I can see where pushing it would cause abit of a challenge to the taste buds. There are times when it really hits the spot. These do look good.

  4. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I'm looking for a replacement Jasmine Pearl. Maybe I'll give this a try! Gwen

  5. I have some from thepuriTea which I think is tops, but I'd love to try this one and will keep it in mind. I love a good jasmine. I love watching the pearls unfurl into such huge! leaves.

  6. I had some of this yesterday! I like the light jasmine taste, but I am always totally smitten by the way those pretty little pearls unfurl into tea leaves. I did not know the term "pushing" the tea, so I like that!

  7. ScottTeaMan (Steepster)6:09 AM

    I really like the scent, flavor, and the multiple infusions. To me it is a special tea, and I usually drink it once or twice a week in the Spring & Summer! :))

  8. oolong tea benefits
    i can't drink tea but when i taste jasmine tea i am fun of these tea.Now
    i am daily drink it.such a amazing tea...i am a big fan.....


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