Saturday, May 19, 2012

My New Favorite Boutiques

Out and about on a recent sunny afternoon, my friend and I made our way to Flora.  This has become my new favorite gift boutique.  In the light-filled store, the owners and staff artfully display soaps, soft furnishings, purses, jewelry, stationery and other miscellaneous treasures.  Many of these goodies are made by local artists.  (I came home with an amazing vase - to be shown soon.)

One of the best things about this shop is that you are offered a cup of tea while you browse.  The teas are for sale, many being original blends.  Of course, we found our way to the tea shelves!

My other new favorite shop is Radish Underground.  This clothing boutique also features local designers/sewers.  Both innovative and classic mingle together (often in the same piece).  This bubble-top is an example.  It gets the fullness at the bottom from being doubled under - it's one long piece of fabric! 

I'm looking forward to returning to both Flora and Radish Underground!


  1. oh, I can see why these are favorites!

  2. How fun! Now I must go exploring.

  3. Teafan8:05 AM

    Oh, Cool!!! Wish I lived closer.

  4. These are definitely you!

  5. Great places! In the first, I would be forced to buy the teapot of the left, top shelf, it's really cute. Maybe some others. Probably good I'll be here for the foreseeable future. i like your new picture.

  6. Wow, Flora carries Le Palais des Thés? That's awesome!

  7. David - Yes!!!!!

  8. Oooh, I would so love to visit both shops! Love those pretty pottery tea cups (not mugs, but cup-shaped, I note!). And tea while you shop? Count me in! That fabric on the bubble top is divine. Nice!

  9. they look like wonderful places!

  10. What fun boutiques you've discovered. And I LOVE the idea of offering tea to shoppers.

  11. goodness i like both these shops just hearing about them!
    that top/dress you're holding is adorable !

  12. They both look like fun places to shop. The teapots at Flora would be hard to resist.


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