Thursday, May 17, 2012

Afternoon Tea at the Propylaeum (Indianapolis)

Tea Treats at the Propylaeum

I recently enjoyed afternoon tea with my family and dear friends at the Propylaeum in Indianapolis.  What a lovely building and a lovely time catching up!  The Propylaem is a long-running (since 1888) women's organization.  Its mission is "to emphasize a sense of civic responsibility and community services; to foster the love of literature, music, science and the fine arts; to provide women a social and cultural center."  What a perfect place for a tea room.  I'm inspired just to read about it!

Our room was lovely, lots of natural light, chandeliers, delicate china, etc. My mom peeked into one of the other rooms to find a large group of older women meeting.  It made an impression on her (and therefore me too!).  How cool that these women are actively engaged in civic pursuits.

And of course, it was very special to have tea with my niece.  I'm so proud of her, she's already a dedicated lover of tea parties. (In fact, she's having her first as the hostess this weekend!)
My tea-loving niece!


  1. Beautiful picture of your beautiful niece! Those tiers of tea treats look totally tempting! One of my friends and I often meet in Indy (a good spot between-ish Cincy and Chicago). Would you recommend this tea room?

  2. MEP - Yes, I would recommend it. The setting is lovely - reminds me of the "votes for women" era. The tea was loose leaf and well brewed (the right temp and duration). The food was tasty and plentiful. The staff was extremely friendly. The only thing I didn't care for was the "cream" that went with the scones. Cost is very reasonable for this type of thing. $18pp. Afternoon tea served on Tuesdays or any day M-F by reservation.

  3. A beautiful tiered tray of tasty treats! I love its abundance and that they have cucumber sandwiches!

    And your niece --- beautiful and already a tea lady! How special!

  4. Lovely afternoon tea tray, and even more lovely little niece! And isn't she growing up to be quite a beautiful young lady!

  5. Anonymous3:34 AM

    I just love your photos Stephanie - and I cannot *believe* how your niece is growing up so quickly. She's lovely - does she know about all her other Tea Aunties she has around the country and the world? ROFLOL xxx

  6. Hi Steph,

    Sounds like my kind of place!

    What a precious niece you have. Her smile lights up the room. I'm sure her auntie has taught her all about tea. :) She will be the perfect host at her own tea party this weekend.



  7. Oh she is growing up and so pretty. The tea looks wonderful. I would have loved sitting there and tasting these treats and sipping tea.

  8. Now that sounds like my kind of place!

    L*O*V*E the photo of your sweet niece having tea. Score one for the tea-loving aunts among us! ;)

  9. It was a very lovely afternoon tea, and we are training your niece right! :)


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