Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tea Under the Scope and other Science Adventures

Looking at tea under the microscope

Spent a few days recently at the Indianapolis Children's Museum.  (I highly recommend it!)  One of the activities was a science lab.  How cool to be able to look at TEA under a microscope!  I should have taken a snapshot of coffee - they do look different.

Below, we are performing a science experiment with a peacock feather. 
Peacock feather experiment

Love this photo below!  :-)  The niece and I are excavating a Terracotta Warrior.  What's so cool about this is that I saw these in person last fall on the grand tea tour!  Fun times.
Excavating Terracotta Warriors


  1. Teafan7:18 PM

    Cool to look at tea under the microscope!

  2. Colleen7:48 PM

    Yeh for the Terracotta Warriors and for science labs!!

  3. Great post! Some things you have shared the information. Thank you for sharing this stuff. great blog post!


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