Saturday, May 12, 2012

My Wonderful Mother

Niece, Me, Mom

This picture (taken by my sister) makes me happy and teary.  I'm so grateful for my mom.  She led my sister and me through heartbreaking times, made sure that our family had fun and adventure, encouraged us to pursue our interests, and showed us how to be strong, responsible women.  Mom made sacrifices that I've only begun to understand as an adult.  I love you, Mom!


  1. Beautiful tribute to your mom! There is no doubt your mom is as proud of you as you are of her!

  2. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Thank you! I love my girls and am so proud of the young woman they have become.

  3. How wonderful you got to spend time with your Mom during your trip. You all look so happy and she looks so proud!!

  4. Colleen12:45 PM

    What beautiful smiles you have! Moms are a treasure indeed, you've given yours a wonderful tribute to be remembered always. You are a dear, Stephanie!

  5. Anonymous4:04 AM

    I love that photo. What a wonderful trio.

  6. I don't even know her but I love your mom too 'cause she gave us YOU! And that pic is absolutely adorable!

  7. A beautiful photo of all three of you. How wonderful to have had the time to enjoy family and friends in Indiana.

  8. awesome!
    God bless your mom !


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