Friday, May 11, 2012

A Special Indian Dessert

Gulab Jamun

Marilyn has done a nice job of describing the full menu of our Spice of India tea at the gathering of tea friends in Ohio.  Here, I want to dive into specifics of one particular item, Gulab Jamun. This is an Indian dessert and it's special to me because it's something we had (twice!) in India.  And oh, it's so yummy! 

I was thrilled when I learned that MJ would make this.  She's an intrepid chef...this is not a recipe I would attempt.  Here is a similar recipe.  (MJ did not use raisins.)

We learned that the trick is to have the oil temperature LOW.  Otherwise, the outsides get too brown and the inside remains uncooked.
MJ cooking the dough balls

MJ made the dough balls and did the frying.  My small contribution was to make the rose syrup, a simply syrup scented with rose water.  The gulab jamun sits overnight in this, soaking in the delicate sweetness.  Gulab jamun are a delicious treat, and a way to share a bit of Indian culture through food.

Gulab Jamun in India


  1. I really love Gulab Jamon. You can buy them canned in Indian stores and my Indian friends say they;re pretty authentic. Hooray for someone brave enough to make them! Thanks for reminding me of them

  2. These are interesting... and love the rose syrup.

  3. They were sooooo good!!

  4. OK, you've convinced me. I'd like a bite, thankyouverymuch!

  5. I tend not to like sweet things, but I absolutely love Gulab Jamun. I had some very good Gulab Jamun at an Indian restaurant recently. It seems like it would be tricky to make well.


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