Monday, May 07, 2012

Tea Friends Old and New

I've spent the last few days in a gathering of tea friends. Some are old friends, first met during the Tea in London tour. Others I knew from online forums, just now meeting in person for the first time. I was excited to meet my penpal. She writes wonderful letters on pretty paper. It was a delight to spend time with two of my Asia Tea Tour companions including my special "room friend" MJ. Special thanks to her from all of us for hosting and organizing! My heart is full!

We tea-partied hard and long! The first day was an elegant and sensual affair, the "Spice of India" theme so well done. The shared preparation was ideal. Everyone contributed and added to the creativity and beauty. As we feasted on delectable morsels, we sampled three different flushes of Darjeeling, carried back from the mountainsides by MJ. We toasted the event over cups of chai and dessert. Then we retired to the patio for an Osmanthus oolong. More on the menu later.

The next day, under beautiful skies and sitting in dappled sunlight, we shared in a Wu-Wo tea ceremony. Being in the moment, silence, serenity, sharing tea and spirit in community, birdsong, flexibility and generosity...these are the things I experienced.

More to come in a few days when I'm not blogging from the mobile phone!

I am so grateful for tea friends!

Photos below (I haven't yet learned how to add them into the text on the iPhone):
- Granita made with Meyer lemons brought from CA
- Mary Jane and me
- Flowers from a tea friend "across the pond"
- Dessert


  1. Oh, how fun! We were leading parallel lives a bit, as I was just visiting with traveling tea friends as well! (And I'm so happy to see a picture of the wonderful Mary Jane after e-mailing with her a bit over the past few years!) I can tell you're like me in that you treasure the relationships even more than the tea!

  2. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Love the pictures and post Steph - and lovely to see the flowers, thank you for putting that up (you never know when you order these things). Can't wait to hear and see more. xxx

  3. Such a lovely post, Stephanie. It was fun to see your pictures and to hear all about your tea week-end! You and MJ have beautiful outfits. Did you purchase them on your tea travels?

  4. Yes, we got the blouses at a street market. ")

  5. Steph, It was just perfect to have you travel to the Amherst Rose for this special tea event. It was fun to see you in a different part of the world. The weekend was just perfect and your participation very definitely helped to make it so. Thanks for all you did.

  6. This was a lovely event. So glad you were able to travel to Ohio.

  7. What a beautiful looking tea and I bet it was delicious.

  8. Yes, tea friends make the world rich.
    Thanks for the wonderful photos!
    Best wishes, Siret

  9. Hi Steph,

    What a wonderful way to share time with new and old friends! The presentation is stunning.

    Thanks for sharing the joys of tea and the unity it brings.




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