Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Anticipating NW Tea Fest

I'm very excited to attend the NW Tea Festival this weekend!  I'm trying something new this year - I'll be tweeting, sharing quick snippets of what I'm seeing and tasting at the event.  I hope you'll follow along!  My Twitter name is StephWTea and you can follow my posts from this blog, in the section to the right.

Here are some photos from last year.     

Tea Cupping class with Suzette Hammond of Rishi Tea

The passionate Brett Boynton of Phoenix Tea leads a tasting session

Always enlightening to hear James Norwood Pratt

Tea Roasting class with Shiuwen Tai of Floating Leaves

The Expo


  1. Teafan2:22 PM

    Love that you are tweeting!

  2. Looking forward to being there with you.

  3. Wonderful! Had hoped to get there, but won't be able to. Have lots of samples for me!!!

  4. Have a great time, and I'll look forward to your reports!


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