Friday, October 05, 2012

Pre-Festival Fun

What a perfectly glorious day to begin the NW Tea festivities.  Weather was bright, warm undertones with a bit of cool in the air.  Aaahhh.

We started out right with a dim sum lunch in the International District.  We took our own pu-erh tea for the pot and enjoyed many rounds of greens, dumplings, eggplant, shrimp, green beans with black bean sauce, and my favorite - the egg tarts. 

Then off to New Century for a tasting with Grace.  New Century has a nice selection of Chinese-style teas, teacups, pots and serving vessels, gaiwan, tea trays and all the fun stuff that comes along with it.

New Century Tea

Shiuwen at Floating Leaves

Later in the evening, many folks headed to Floating Leaves to taste again with Shiuwen.  She carries some of the best Taiwanese oolong teas a girl could hope to find in the US.

A really great day!  Tomorrow begins the conference.  If anyone is interested, our group will be doing a Wu-Wo session at 1:30 pm on Saturday (10/6).  Please come and join us!  We have space for 10 brewers and many observers.  No charge - just come and brew.  No experience necessary.


  1. This looks like the perfect beginning of a very amazing tea event. Love it! Looking forward to more posts and beautiful photos!

  2. How wonderful to be where there are so many tea shops and a festival on top of it. I am sure you'll have a super time!

  3. Thanks for covering this event so those of us "back home" can attend vicariously. Yesterday's happenings got you off to a great start.

  4. I always have so much fun to share tea with you guys. Have a great time at the Wu-Wo tea brewing.

  5. Jealous! That is all.


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