Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Date Night at Uwajimaya

The DH (dear hubby) and I visited Uwajimaya's last weekend and we shared a fun two hours wandering the aisles, marveling at the unique and interesting items.  We were also goofing around, as you will see.  Uwajimaya is a large Asian grocery store, with its core being Japanese.  Visiting here is like taking a mini trip to Asia without getting on a plane.  Below are some photos of our adventure.  Of course, I had my eye on tea items.

Greeting us at the door, "Ready to Drink" oolong tea

The most exciting moment - finding A Tea Reader in the book section!
(I have an essay in this anthology.)

Lots and lots of tea choices (including Pu-Erh cakes) and these bubble tea supplies

The DH locked me up in these Chinese finger cuffs
And red bean ice cream!  I would have previously been suspicious, but after having so many delicious sweets in my Japanese Tea Ceremony classes based on red beans, I think this ice cream would be great.

Do you have an Asian grocer near you?  What do you find interesting or like to buy?


  1. Teafan6:48 PM

    Oh, Oh - those finger cuffs take me back to being 9 years old! Love them.

  2. We have a large Asian grocer. They sell things from all over and even have a Korean bun shop on the side. Yum!

  3. Love your adventure.
    I have been to Uwajimaya in a long time. But I was recently in a smaller Asian Market and went there expressly to buy persimmons. Oh what a treat they have been with a few pomegranate seed tossed in for a salad.

  4. I am jealous! What a treat, it looks like a tea-lover's heaven. What was their tea selection like?

    I have a small Asian grocer in the town where I live but their selection is quite limited. Have you ever tried Indonesian ginger 'tea' though? It's not a tea but an infusion/powder and it's great for sore throats!

  5. What a fun adventure! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Hi Steph,

    It looks like you and hubby had a wonderful time at Uwajimaya's. I can't take my eyes off of all those pretty teapots! Thank you for stopping to visit me.

  7. What a fun place to visit, and that wall of teapots is gorgeous! We have a small Asian grocery in my town, and I've tried their canned teas (not a favorite!), bubble teas (delicious) and tins of jasmine tea, which is probably the favorite thing I've gotten from them. And, it's always so inexpensive compared to other places! Sounds like you sure had a terrific date night!

  8. Jesse8:58 AM

    Congratulations on finding your book there. That must be thrilling!

  9. Look at You! Holding "A Tea Reader" and your writing is between the covers of that book. Well done you! It must have been amazing to unexpectedly find the book in a store when you were just browsing and having fun.

    Maybe you could offer to do a free reading of your story at the store and sign some books to help promote their book department! Of course they would have to serve tea and offer some interesting snacks.

    We have many "International" grocery stores near us and a new one just opened withing walking distance.
    Favorite things to find: tea, kitchen gadgets, intersting fruits and vegetables, fun candies, pastries. The last time I was there they had gulab jamun in the bakery case. They looked almost as good as the ones we made, Steph.
    What a fun day!

  10. Dear Amherst Rose - But in no way could they be as delicious!

  11. How fun! This sounds like a DREAM shopping trip!

    Recently I visited Whole Foods (your city) and it was a delight! I could not believe all the tea selections in the tea aisle! And...the deli. Yummy!


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