Sunday, December 02, 2012

Meatless Monday 16: The Tofurkey Report

Tofurkey with mushroom gravy

In case you're curious, the Tofurkey at Thanksgiving was much better than expected.  In taste and texture, it was surprisingly passable.  It's not shaped like a turkey.  It comes as a loaf with a delicious wild rice stuffing in the center.  Ironically, it's local too!  Tofurkey is made just up the road in Hood River, OR.

Decent though it was, one slice was enough for me.  The rest was enjoyed by the DH throughout the week.  He insists that it was even better cold, straight from the fridge.  A fun experiment, but I still prefer the sides.

I comprised the pretty centerpiece below from cuttings made during a walk earlier that day.  Crabapples, rose hips, black eyed Susans, daisies, snow berries?  (I'm not sure what the white ones are) and evergreens.  It will be interesting to see what's available at Christmas, just one month later.

Have you tried Tofurkey?  OR...what's available outside right now for you to use in an arrangement?


  1. Thanks for the report on the tofurkey...I haven't tried it yet, and have been thinking about it. Lovely arrangement in a tea tin of course!

  2. OK, "surprisingly passable" just makes me laugh! But good for you for being willing to try something new. I LOVE your arrangement. I have a real thing for natural berries and think they make the prettiest fall and winter arrangements. Lovely! I made a Thanksgiving arrangement in a teacup planter with dried leaves and the last of the gold and red lantana.

  3. Hi Steph!
    I do not believe I have every had tofurkey, but as you know I will try all kinds of food that no one else will, so if I ever have the opportunity, I will give it a go. Glad the DH enjoyed it and now you can both say you have had the experience. I always wondered if it is good for the after Thanksgiving turkey Sandwich???

    Your arrangement is just lovely. It made me smile as it reminded me of my garden in Ohio. I enjoy putting all of the little elements of the Fall landscape together beacause it reminds me of the transition of the seasons which I so love. The little white berries are from the red twig dogwood (also know as the red osier dogwood.) In the fall it has frothy white clusters of tiny flowers at the ends of the branches, giving way to white or bluish white berry-like fruits that the birds love. I have one in my back yard and it has bright red stems in the Winter which look so pretty when they are covered with ice.

  4. Have not tried Tofurky. It actually looks good with the mushroom gravy, but I will probably pass.
    Love the natural arrangement. Isn't it just lovely to gather while you walk and then make something as special as this when you return home?

  5. Thanks, everyone, for your comments.

    Amherst Rose - Thank you for identifying the white berry! You're so knowledgeable!

  6. Actually, I love Tofurkey! But, I think it is expensive for the amount given. We purchase it sometimes for Thanksgiving. This year we had "Dinner Roast" instead. It is the favorite of my kids --- and is less expensive and very yummy. We love it hot or cold.

    My very favorite seitan is that made from scratch --- like my grandma used to do. It is not dense, like Tofurkey, but is tender and so flavorful. Memory lane, here.

    Love your beautiful centerpiece!


I value your comments, thank you!