Sunday, December 30, 2012

Fabulous Fabric Rings

I've been making these fabulous fabric rings for gifts (and a few for myself!).  Thanks to the tutorial from V & Company.  I found the ring bases at JoAnn's and used fabric from my stash.  The ring takes only a 1" by 10" strip.  I enjoyed matching the colors of the rings to the personalities of my friends.

My suggestions:  Dedicate the first ring to getting the process figured out, and the rest will be fun and fast!  I also recommend (on the final step) applying pressure to hold the ring base and fabric together so that they have a wide base of adhesion.  

I experimented with different shapes.  The ring below is one of my favorites.  :-) 


  1. How fun your creativity has been lately.

  2. What a great idea. Your rings look great. Thanks for the tutorial link.

  3. What a fun idea! They are beautiful!

    This morning I read instructions for making rings out of buttons. A process similar to yours, but with vintage buttons instead of the fabric. So unique.

    Thanks for sharing your creativity!

  4. Anonymous3:43 AM

    hi Steph! Those are fun!!! I don't generally work with fabric so I do not have a stash of scraps on hand, but maybe I will give it a try one day. happy new year!

  5. How creative and fun, Steph! Happy New Year to you and yours, and may 2013 bring many tea-filled experiences! ~ Phyllis

  6. Fun idea -- they look like fabric roses to me!


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