Thursday, December 27, 2012

I Just Couldn't Help Myself...

A jumper dress for the niece, dress for Kanani (the doll) and skirt for me!  :-)  This fabulous fabric came from my tea friend in Hawaii (some of you know her).  I'm very grateful.  My niece thought it was so cool since Kanani is from Hawaii, too. 


  1. Anonymous2:14 PM

    So cute!!!

  2. Great job. Love the new outfits.

  3. Oh, how fun! It's obvious your niece thinks her aunt is pretty special! Love how she's mimicking you with her hand on her hip! ;-)
    Priceless memories. Happy New Year to you and yours!

  4. Love it! Your trio of creations is delightful and so cute. You have risen to Super Auntie status. Memories to cherish. I am sure your sweet niece feels very special.

    Have a happy day!

    Mary Jane

  5. What a fun use of that wonderful fabric.

  6. This does make me smile. I am guessing who it came from, how nice! Your niece seems to be quite pleased with this special gift.

  7. I love them - adorable, I almost said edible.

  8. And now --- I see the ring here too!

  9. Now *that* gets a huge smile here! I'll bet I know that generous tea friend in Hawaii. She is amazing!


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