Monday, February 11, 2013

Life Unfurling

The Unfurled Life of a Buddha Hand Tea

I blogged only once last week.  Usually in this situation I apply pressure to myself to "get something up!" and feel a little stressed about it.  Today, I am working on simply noticing...
- that I've been busy
- that I feel tension about not blogging
- that I am the source of that tension
- that everything is OK just as it is

This practice of noticing is homework from a class I'm taking that includes meditation, yoga and other mindfulness skills.  The class is difficult, the homework is challenging and time-consuming.  It's all worth the effort.  We are learning to notice and embrace life just as it is.

This Buddha Hand tea has a life determined in part by its own form and strength, but also by external factors (the tea grower, maker, brewer, drinker, etc.).  The leaves unfurl as the hot water envelopes them.  They dance beautifully in their "agony of the leaf."   I notice them and savor them. That is my homework - to notice and savor my life.  


  1. Beautiful and well stated.

    I personally prefer the 'dance' of the leaf over the 'agony'. I see the leaf as dancing with joy as it fulfills the purpose for which it was grown and nurtured to accomplish. It is a shame (the real agony) when we don't take the time to appreciate the leaf and even more so world around us.

    Thanks for this post.

  2. I like pondering over the external factors that you mention- it's good to feel a real connection to all the people who have tended to these leaves from which I am now brewing my tea. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. I love the title of this post, and you are absolutely right that "everything is OK just as it is." Peace out, as my hippie friend would say!

  4. That's a good homework assignment. And not an easy one! I, too, have been practicing at trying to be a little easier on myself and trying to just be present. Your post is a good reminder for me. Much love!

  5. I love the photo- so beautiful! Well done, Stephanie.
    The class sounds intriguing and you have taken the lesson to heart this day! Wonderful and thoughtful "noticing".

  6. Great photo and post! I often feel stressed about not blogging daily. That is not what blogging should be.

  7. A perfect post.
    I would love this class.
    As I share on my blog "notice what you notice", but in addition I think I could also say (as you so eloquently said) and "savor my life". It is easier to notice, but the savor and accepting it the harder part.

  8. CO Tea Lover7:37 PM

    I love the idea of just noticing and savoring life. I'm going to practice that the rest of this month to see what happens - thank you for the inspiration!


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