Wednesday, February 13, 2013

V-Day, Another Look

Vegan chocolate zucchini cake 

Happy Valentine's Day!  I've been enjoying making chocolate cake and taking simple little Valentine's Cards to my teammates.  My niece sent me such a sweet one that she authored and illustrated herself, "I hope you enjoy this very card I give you."  My heart melts!

And so it is for my niece and the world of girls and young women that I turn my thoughts to a very non-sweet topic.  Some estimates suggest that one in three women will be beaten or raped in her lifetime.  One---in---three.  As women, as women and men, we all suffer from the abuse.

On this Valentine's Day, I'm so grateful for my DH and my family and friends.  They love and support me even when we disagree.  I contemplate what I can do to make a difference to those who aren't so fortunate.
And I'm looking forward to this film coming my way soon! (My company is a sponsor, and I'm so glad to see the good work here!)



  1. Teafan3:35 PM

    Yes, to hold the sweetness and the bitter at the same time, and to work toward solving the problems. Your choice of pomegranate seems so appropriate. Was it intentional?

  2. Thanks, Teafan. Not intentional, but an interesting thing to notice!

  3. Jesse4:08 PM

    Will you please, please share this recipe? It looks so good - is the icing vegan, too?

  4. Your cake does look delicious and I loved the touch of pomegranate. How special that Intel is sponsoring this film and that you get to see it soon. It looks amazing and inspirational.

  5. Thank you! Jesse - Yes, it's all vegan and I must say, totally delicious! I'll post the recipe sometime soon.


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