Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Lunar (Chinese) New Year 2013

The cutest snake I've ever seen, gift from Margie Sensei

We're about half way through the Chinese New Year celebrations for 2013.  Things got rolling on February 10th, and in Asian communities worldwide this is a big celebration.  People travel to be with family, there are fireworks, lion dances and all kinds of yummy foods.  Fifteen days later, the celebration culminates with the lantern viewing festival.  (If you're in Portland, check out the festivities at the Lan Su Chinese Garden.)

2013 is the year of the Snake in the Chinese zodiac (a twelve year cycle).  People born under the snake sign are purported to demonstrate intelligence, hard work and a quiet nature.  They appreciate fine things. 

I've been afraid of snakes (the animal, not the human) since my childhood.  I think it's an inherited fear.  I've worked to reduce my sensitivity, even going to rattlesnake school when I was living in New Mexico.  (It helped.)  Perhaps this is the year to make even more peace with snakes.  After all, the Ox (my sign) is supposed to be compatible.

Gong Xi Fa Cai!  Happy and Prosperous New Year to you!


  1. Great post about the Chinese New Year, Steph. I love your snake ornament!

  2. Happy New Year, Steph!
    Very cute snake ornament. Loved ready your post here on the snake and zodiac.

  3. Happy New Year, Steph! I'm not a fan of snakes either and appreciate your sharing about your fear of them. I always thought, I'm not sure why, that they would feel slippery and slimey but the first time I ever touched one, it felt dry and warm. I remember feeling pleasantly surprised by that. I hope that this year of the Snake helps you to make peace with your fear of them. Snakes can symbolize transformation. :)
    Be well,

  4. I'm enjoying your blog! Thanks for writing.

  5. Very endearing Japanised piece of art. Happy lunar new year!

  6. Now I don't care for snakes one bit and don't intend to reduce my fear of them, but I have to say that is the cutest snake I've ever seen!


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