Sunday, May 05, 2013

Taiwan Day 2: Baozhong and Aged Teas

Feeling joyful in the tea field
(Click photos to enlarge)

This is just an awesome trip!  So much tea to drink, food to sample, stories to hear and tell, moments to hold precious. Here are a few photos from our visit with Farmer Chen and his family.  Beautiful land, kind and generous people. He told us that if he felt appreciated, he was happy - even if we didn't buy. Farmer Chen - we appreciate you!  (And we bought tea!)

Below:  Farmer Chen, sampling an unfinished Baozhong (very special to try this!), gorgeous scenery, Tour leader Shiuwen, setting leaves to wither


  1. Teafan4:54 PM

    All I can say is wow!

  2. The atmosphere looks great!

  3. Love Farmer Chen! Each of the farmers you will meet have such a passion for tea.

  4. What an amazing adventure!

  5. Hi Steph,

    Enjoy your stay in Taiwan. And please let me know if you have some time off in Taipei.

  6. If I didn't know you I would be jealous as all get-out, but because I do I am happy to report I am sharing in your joy! And that's a profound statement about how he is happy as long as he feels appreciated. Don't we all!

  7. Wow, it looks like any amazing place to visit. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!

  8. What an amazing experience for you! Thank you for sharing it with us!


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