Monday, May 06, 2013

Taiwan Day 3: Wu-Wo

Wu-Wo was born in Taiwan, and so it was with special excitement that we had the opportunity to participate in a Wu-Wo circle while here. We met with Steven R. Jones (aka Icetea Icetea) and students from the Lu Yu Tea Culture Institute.

We had the opportunity to brew, serve and drink tea together in silence, to share tea with observers and strangers, to listen to beautiful song, to discuss our experience and to learn.

For me, the most touching thing is how we shared this meaningful experience together regardless of language and culture. Thank you to Steven and the Lu Yu Tea Culture Institute for hosting us!


  1. I am there in my imagination. How special it all looked.

    Gracious Hospitality

  2. This is so wonderful! I can't wait to hear every little detail.

  3. So special indeed!

  4. COTeaLover10:01 AM

    I think you must be in heaven. :D

  5. Since you've partaken of this ceremony many times state-side, it had to be very meaningful participating in the ceremony in the country here it originated.


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