Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Gorgeous Tea Cups by Potter Steve Sanchez

Tea cup by Steve Sanchez

A very kind friend recently gave me these tea cups by artist Steve Sanchez.  I am blessed with generous and thoughtful friends!  Love these cups.  The wood firing makes the coloring and patterns so interesting! The thumb impression makes a nice hand hold, and also yields an asymmetrical form  (visual interest). These cups hold a nice amount of tea - not so much that the tea goes cold before I can drink it.  I also like the thickness of the rim.  Again, it's a balance of not too thick or thin.     

Look at the interesting pattern in the bottom of the cup. I believe this is a result of the wood firing.  It's golden and glittery and reminds me of tea leaves.

Functional artwork!

I have not (yet) had the pleasure to meet artist Steve Sanchez, but I am now a fan of his work and look forward to seeing more. Other works by this artist can be found at the Jasmine Pearl Tea Merchants.


  1. Beautiful teacups, Steph! I especially love your first photo with the steam rising out of the cup. So lovely! Cheers, Karen

  2. The cups are gorgeous and I love the thumb imprint. Like your saucers too, smiling!

  3. From the potter, "Thank you so much for the kind words. I believe that you are correct, the inside is glazed only by the fly ash during the firing. I am very happy they found a good home."

  4. What great coloring! That thumb rest is awesome!

  5. Beautiful tea cups! Enjoyed reading the comment from the potter.


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