Saturday, February 01, 2014

Happy Year of the Horse and Happy Spring!

Photo from the Independent

Yesterday began Chinese New Year, with the first new moon of the calendar year.  It's a week long celebration in China and throughout the region.  A time to visit with family, have parades, eat good food, and set off fireworks.  Truly, it's a national holiday.  

You can read a lot of predictions about 2014 and what it means as the Year of the Horse from the Chinese Zodiac.  I prefer this description, shared by my sensei, "A year of running smoothly."  

On Feb 1 each year, the DH (dear hubby) and I also celebrate the first day of spring.  It's something the DH came up with a long time ago on his own.  Then he found out it aligned with many "spring" festivals of early cultures.  Cool, huh?  When people pay attention to the earth, she speaks to us.

Forsythia that the DH and I encouraged to bloom early

It may not feel like spring to my family and friends having a truly serious winter this year.  Nonetheless, you can trust that under the blanket of snow and ice, the daffodils are stirring.  Have hope!


  1. I love that we see signs of spring so early. How fun to force the forsythia. We have forced branches from our plum tree this year. I will have to keep Feb.1st in mind for celebrating the first day of Spring. Looking forward to some celebrating of Chinese New Years too.

  2. Teafan4:40 PM

    I like how the yellows match in the photos. ;-)

  3. Your forsythia is lovely! Every year I say I'm going to try my hand at forcing blooms during the winter, but then I forget. Maybe I need to make it a date on the calendar!


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