Friday, March 28, 2014

Teapot (Head) Under Here

I think he's found his look!

That's my good friend D. I think the look suits him to a "tea"!  I love that he wore this and owned it, and not for a few seconds, either.  For a good long while!  

The tea cosy itself is a project that's been half finished for over a year.  I'm so glad that I can add it to the "done" list.  Every time I look at it, I smile.  I love the whimsy.  The idea came from Bend the Rules Sewing by Amy Karol.  It's linen fabric with a vibrant turquoise flannel lining inside.  I sandwiched thermal batting in the middle.  The bias tape binding on the bottom was made by sewing goddess CO Tea Lover. I really love how the tea cosy turned out, and especially how it's worn!

Billy Connolly — "Never trust a man who, when left alone in a room with a tea cozy, doesn't try it on."


  1. Teafan2:13 PM

    You have really fun friends!

  2. Ha! Ha! Ha! Do visit this post - they would all be good friends! P.S. Don't you love it when you can cross a project off of the 'to do' list!?

  3. Your tea cozy turned out just lovely, and your friend D. makes me smile!

  4. Oh "D" does know how to wear a cozy. You did a fantastic job and loved seeing it up close and personal recently.


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