Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Hello, Red! And After the Party

I've been adding red (in various shades including red-orange and red-pink) to the home color palette.  These red chairs and plates are the most recent celebrations of color. And it just so happened that a friend was stopping by.  A perfect reason to use the new stuff!

We had enjoyed lunch at a nearby restaurant and came home with baklava. I made tea.  I had this lovely golden saffron sugar (a Persian treat, used to sweeten tea) and noghl (almond slivers covered in rose sugar).  The sweets came with love from a friend's parents in Iran.  This tea time became an unplanned Persian celebration.  Serendipitous timing as we neared Persian New Year. Welcome Spring! 

Can you spot the barely domesticated creature below?  That's my DH - dear hubby.

The photo below is my favorite image of this post, as it captures the peace that comes after hosting a friend for tea.  That moment, that glow, that quiet lingering of sweetness before the dishes are done and life's routines resumed.


  1. How lovely! Nothing like tea with a friend. I love blue and white and adding that spot of red -- GREAT! (I also love your tea cosy in the previous post).

    Happy Tea Day (isn't every day Tea Day?!)!

  2. Lovely post! That pop of color is fun! And the 'after party' thoughts are sweet.

  3. So pretty and I do love the red too. Sounds like a perfect tea time with a friend and hubby lurking nearby (cute)!

  4. Teafan6:27 AM

    That's a cool little table, too. Can you tell us about it?

  5. I love this post! And you know, I too enjoy that quiet, introspective time of tidying up after teatime. Those empty plates and cups represent the happy time just experienced. A nice reflection today!

  6. Years ago, a friend shared with me that her elderly aunt said that every properly attired home or room must have a touch of red in it somewhere. At the time, I was not a fan of red and really "minded" that advice. But, I took it to heart. I added one red needlepoint bench cover and it has gone on from there. Now, as I am growing older, I am discovering that more and more red is creeping into my home and I am enjoying it so much! It brings cheer and spark and goes so well with about any color (against all rules, I know, but it's possible if done properly). :)


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