Monday, June 16, 2014

Astoria, OR

View of the bridge crossing the Columbia River from Oregon to Washington.  And just beyond, where the Columbia meets the Pacific Ocean.  This is one of the most treacherous shipways in the whole world.

Last weekend, the DH and I took a short trip to the Oregon and Washington coast.  Our first night was in Astoria, OR.  Astoria is the first non-Native permanent settlement in the Pacific Northwest.  It's a vibrant shipping town.  While it has developed some tourism commerce, the community hasn't lost that sense of its hard working roots.  I appreciate that. We very much enjoyed our time here.  We walked the riverfront and roamed the neighborhoods.  There is a very good maritime museum that explains how ships enter the Columbia from the Pacific. (It's a wild ride!)

Rose River Inn, where we stayed.  Our room had a small sun porch with a view of the river.  It was great!

An Astoria Riverpark that looks over the ships waiting to head further up the river (many to Portland)

Making tea on that Riverpark.  That's me, all bundled up.  It was breezy and cool, but still quite pleasant.  I think the photo makes the weather seem worse than it really was.  It was dry!  :-)
Astoria Column, a tower that overlooks the city.  It was built by a descendant of John Jacob Astor.

The trolley is a lot of fun.  For $1, you can get an hour's guided tour about the town's history and the riverfront.

Have you been to Astoria?


  1. Another dedicated tea sipper ;-) Love the posture.

  2. Dear Steph,
    thank you so much for these wonderful impressions!
    What a special atmosphere!
    My favorite photo is your tea ceremony.
    Sunny greetings,

  3. Yes, I've been to Astoria. It's a lovely town and so much fun to explore. I don't think I've stayed there overnight before, though. Usually we cross the bridge and stay in Ilwaco --- or camp at Ledbetter Point. Such a pretty part of the coast.

  4. PS: If you ever get a chance to drive to the end of the Long Beach Peninsula, there are many quaint and beautiful old homes --- and a lavender farm --- that are fun to photograph.

  5. I had never heard of Astoria, Oregon, but your post certainly makes me want to plan a trip! That view out your window ... my goodness, how lovely!!!

  6. Yes, I have been there and you describe it so well. How fun to stay in the B&B with the view. I didn't know about the trolley for $1, now that would be something I would love doing. Then having tea right there, so perfect. When I was last there I took afternoon tea to friends that came off a ship for the afternoon. We had tea at the fort.


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