Wednesday, June 11, 2014

In Kimono...

Stephanie and fellow Chanoyu student

Here's a picture from a recent Japanese Tea event.  We were celebrating the 35th anniversary of a local Urasenke tea association.  It was a big-deal event!  Representatives came from all over the United States to help celebrate this anniversary.  I was "Hakobi" which means I carried bowls of tea to the guests.  They would have been sitting on the tatami mats behind me.  It was a lot of work, a lot of fun and I learned a lot, too!


  1. Oh, I love this! This sounds like great fun, and the kimono is so, so lovely on you!

  2. You look so sweet in your kimono. And what a great experience you are having with your tea ceremony journey.

  3. How very lovely to see both of you! Two people I've had the pleasure of meeting in person! I love hearing about your tea ceremony lessons and experiences. What an honor for you to be a part of this one. The ultimate gift is to learn how to serve others with such grace and ease.

  4. Love seeing you both and hearing what you have been doing recently. I do love seeing you in the kimonos too.


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