Friday, October 31, 2014

Tea and Toast for Halloween

Boris Karloff as Frankenstein

Happy Halloween!

I do love this day of imagination, playfulness and embracing childhood delight.  I also love the reverent side, the Day of the Dead observations and family remembrances.  I recall with fondness my time in New Mexico, seeing the graveyards decorated and people spending time there to honor loved ones that have passed.  May we all find both sides of our spirits today.

A little more fun...

From The Nightmare Before Christmas

"Dr. Finkelstein:  
That's twice this month you've slipped deadly nightshade into my tea and run off.  

Sally:  Three times.  

Dr. Finkelstein:  You're mine, you know!  I made you with my own hands."

And this one:

"Doctor, I made your favorite brew, just the way you like it - six ounces of lemon tea, and three-quarters of an ounce of frog's breath, plus three-quarters of an ounce of worm's wort!  And I definitely did not add three-quarters of an ounce of deadly nightshade."


  1. Cute post, Stephanie! Happy Halloween!

  2. Love it! Happy Halloween!

  3. Hehe, love it! Though I always go back and forth as to whether Nightmare Before Christmas is a Halloween or Christmas movie.

  4. Teafan8:23 AM

    Oh, how fun!

  5. Boris Karloff sipping tea ... brilliant!

  6. Oh I love the humor here. Sorry to be slow to the party. Hope it was a fun Halloween.


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