Sunday, November 02, 2014

Toasting Spices for Cider

Cinnamon, cardamom, peppercorns, cloves and star anise

It's apple cider season and I love this annual treat!  My favorite way to drink it is spiced, and I use my recipe for chai spices, shown above, along with coriander and fresh ginger if I happen to have them. I go heavy on the black pepper.  And here's the secret:  Toast the spices in a dry skillet and then crush them (in big pieces) in a mortar and pestle.  Place them into a cheese cloth and simmer in the cider for at least 20 minutes.  Aaahhh.


  1. I love adding black pepper into cider and chai blends...I consider it a "secret ingredient" that drinkers tend to overlook. Your cider looks wonderful, and toasting the spices is so clever...thanks for sharing Stephanie! :)

  2. Teafan4:10 PM

    Ooooh, makes me want to go get some now!

  3. Mmm ... I do believe the scent is wafting through cyberspace! (Jealous that you managed to capture steam in your photo ... I always fog up my camera lens!)

  4. Oh I would like this too. I can almost smell it. The last photo is so special with the star anise floating in the cup. I never thought about toasting the spices first.


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