Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Days in the Desert

I haven't blogged for a week as I've been in the desert, nourishing my soul. I spent time there with women from this amazing community:  Women Writing for (a) Change, Bloomington.

 In fact, we've been basking in the sun in Georgia O'Keeffe's desert at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, NM.  In the photo above, the flat topped mesa toward the right is called Pedernal, but it's also known as Georgia's Mountain because she painted it regularly and her ashes were scattered there.

Time to write, time to hike and time to go horseback riding.  Life is good!  Socks was my trusty steed.

On the last day, three women and I set out on a sunrise hike to Chimney Rock.  It may sound like a cliché, but it truly was a spiritual experience hiking with the sun, greeting the moon and climbing to the top where we whooped with joy and then offered our gratitude and prayers.  

Joy in the beginning
Joy throughout 
Joy in the end


  1. This must have been an absolutely memorable experience. Love it!

  2. It sounds like you had a wonderful trip! I love the pics! Would you be interested in participating in a tea exchange over at my blog? Here is the link: http://liliesofgrace.blogspot.com/2014/11/tea-exchange-coming-up.html?m=1
    Have a blessed day!
    ~Katie@ liliesofgrace.blogspot.com

  3. I can only imagine how full your heart must be after this experience! How absolutely wonderful!

  4. Sigh! How beautiful! How your heart must have had a song to sing and cherish with bringing home such precious memories. Your photos are just gorgeous, even Socks.


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