Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Revisiting St. James Tearoom (Albuquerque)

I recently had the opportunity to revisit the St. James Tearoom in Albuquerque, NM.  It's my favorite tearoom in large part due to the emphasis on well-made tea, excellent and creative food, and the superior service.  And also for sentimental reasons.  Over many cups of tea at the St. James I have dreamed, nurtured friendships, celebrated and even cried.  It was here that my friends bid me farewell from NM 10 years ago and it is here that I return whenever I'm in the Land of Enchantment.

Here's a tour and I hope you enjoy!

Above: The portal to a world of beauty.  Below:  The hallway that leads to the tea nooks.  I really like this hallway, especially the light with the directional signs.

You can choose a hat along the way.

This little welcome card awaited us.  Thoughtful small touches like this make a big impact.

In addition to lovely traditional china cups and saucers, the St. James now has its own custom china. Each cup and saucer showcases one of the St. James values with words like beauty, civility and excellence.

My dear friends who gathered for tea.

The Chronicles of Narnia provided the inspiration for this month's menu. It's worth noting, the St. James has provided a gluten-free option for afternoon tea since long before it was mainstream.  The gluten free menu is lovingly prepared and as substantial as the 'main' menu.  

Savories: Alsan's turkey apple pate, Pevensie's parsnip pear latke, Mr. and Mrs. Beaver's cottage pie, Magical wild rice and butternut squash.  Served with Sir Philip Sidney traditional black tea.

Scones: The amazing St. James cream scones (the best, according to me!) and Professor Digory's apple scones,  with apple curd and clotted cream.  Served with Caramel Delights scented tea.

Sweets: Upside down chocolate nut cake, the White Witch's cranberry compote pavlova and chai custard ice cream with chocolate spice cookie. Served with Charleston green tea.

My heart is full of warmth and fond memories from my visit to this special place with special friends.


  1. How special to have this time over tea at St. James with special friends. The food looks just wonderful and the surroundings just delightful. I have heard of this shop from long ago and it would be on my wish list if I ever visited that part of the country.

  2. A Narnian Tea! Can't believe I've never heard of one before, as this is a fabulous idea. And I enjoyed hearing about this tea room and all the things that make it special to you. That makes it special to me too!

  3. I've been away from NM since 1985. I must remember St. James for when I return.

  4. Mary Alice3:22 PM

    The thing that makes this all work so delightfully is the fact that with tea, like attracts like. There are some things that draw together those who care about relationship, who revel in the joys of imagination, who appreciate beauty and notice detail, who allow their minds to dance, ... and tea is one of those things. How grateful I am, for how else would we find each other? A serendipitous state of affairs!
    Thank you for this sweet reminder of the Important things,
    Mary Alice Higbie
    The St James Tearoom

  5. I am so glad you had the opportunity to have tea there during your visit. I LOVE their new tea settings with the words!

  6. What a special place!


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