Wednesday, November 26, 2014

On Gift Giving

'Tis the season of gift giving and receiving.  I enjoy both, I think most of us do.  Truthfully, I like this best when it's at unexpected times.  Nonetheless, we all find ourselves giving gifts or receiving them at prescribed intervals.  It can be a little maddening on top of the enjoyment.

I've been refining my gift-giving philosophy.  Here are a few of my guidelines.  What are yours?
  • Am I giving from a place of joy?  If not, then something has to change. I have cut back deeply on obligation gifting in favor of  giving with more thought and heart.  
  • Am I in a gifting pattern that is no longer necessary? Some long-time friends and I made the agreement a few years ago to stop the annual Christmas gift exchange.  It had become a habit, but none of us needed the stuff.  Instead, we spend time together.
  • Can I make a gift this person would appreciate?  Or can I give something made locally?
  • Can I give an experience (rather than another thing)?
  • Is this something that I think the person will love?  (I try to avoid "generic" gifts when possible.  A tea suited to the person's tastes or personality is always an awesome gift!)
  • I'm learning that the wrapping and unwrapping of something is half the fun!  The Japanese understand this well.  I'm not a neat corner-folder-wrapper, but I am creative so I go with that.
On the flip side, there is a skill to receiving gifts, as well - and gently directing what you'll receive from those closest to you.
  • The Dear Hubby (DH) and I seldom exchange gifts for the big holidays.  Instead, we share little surprises throughout the year.  On the "big days" we favor spending time together in a special way. If one of us really wants a thing, we make a specific request.  This took me a bit to wrap my head around in our early days, but the DH and I are both much happier with a specific list!
  • I also give Mom a list.  Thank you, Mom, for all of your generosity.
  • I am appreciative of any gift I receive (even the odd ones!) and write a thank-you note.  There is grace in practicing gratitude.

I hope your holiday gifting and receiving season brings you joy.  Do you have tips to share?


  1. Thanks, Stephanie! These tips are so well to remember and take to heart. Funny, but I hardly do much shopping anymore. I pick up little things throughout the year, but nothing extravagant. Already I can say I am about finished for this year. For me, I do love giving, but have a difficult time receiving. Something I am still trying to accept and learn from.

  2. What excellent tips! Especially agree with giving an "experience" rather than a "thing" if possible. But maybe it's because I'm at an age where I now have way too much stuff!

  3. Those are wonderful tips. I find that I have a great deal of not necissarily dislike, but certainly an unpleasant association with holidays that involve giving gifts, there is always an air of expectation. I love the art of spontaneous gift giving, it just feels so pure and good.


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