Friday, November 28, 2014

There's No Need to Hurry

"The month of November makes me feel that life is passing more quickly.  In an effort to slow it down, I try to fill the hours more meaningfully."

Though winter encroaches, I'm not ready to let go of Autumn just yet.  The shops along our little community's center are decked out in twinkle lights, green and red - but I want a few more days of gold and rust, of mustard and brown.  I want to tarry with the nation in a state of thankfulness rather than buying-fulness.  "There's no need to hurry" are some "sweet words" I heard at a recent retreat, and I beckon them now.

I had the privilege of hosting a friend for tea recently.  Just the two of us, my favorite way of getting to know someone.  I used this tea set with its rust and gold.  I like its boldness.  I linger and look at its detail, run my finger along its pattern, decipher the scene.

"Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures." 


  1. What a pretty tea set!

  2. Your friend is fortunate to be able to sit and enjoy this special time together over tea. Such a lovely setting.

  3. I appreciate the wisdom here! I'm feeling rushed, like I haven't bought enough/done enough/planned enough at this point, and then I'm thinking, "Hey, it's still November!"

  4. What a pretty teaset. I do remember tea times with you and they are always so precious. I am sure your guest felt that too. Thinking of no need to hurry reminded me of a thought I try to remember, "it is enough". It is part of acceptance and savoring just where we are at the moment.


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