Saturday, December 20, 2014

Tidings of Comfort and Joy

Confession:  I'm feeling a little like Grinch right now.  Work deadlines have me spending this weekend at the PC, instead of at tea class and other fun things.  And I've got miles of projects to sew before I sleep.  

But the truth is that my grumbles are so, so minor. I enjoy the work I'm doing and this bubble of intensity is temporary. I have a life filled with health, love of family and friends, beauty, creativity, good tea and many other treasures.  I wish that for each of you, and especially for those who are needing a kindness.


  1. I'm a bit in the same boat, Stephanie. Trying not to be grinchy, but minding our first ever "empty nest" Christmas. Tonight I bought fleece for 7 throws --- and I guess I better get busy and pop them in the mail --- because Christmas is SOON! Happy Solstice to you!

  2. You are right to count your blessings. That is the best way to kick the grinch to the curb. Love ya!

  3. I hope all those projects are behind you. Merry Christmas from your Kentucky tea friend!

  4. I felt the same way a few days ago myself RE work deadlines. This too shall pass ... and I hope you do come out from under the work in time to enjoy a blessed holiday!

  5. Hope you are now relaxing with family and enjoying the season. Have a wonderful, delightful Christmas and wish your family a Merry Christmas.


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