Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Toasting the New Year with My First Batch of Kombucha

Happy 2015!  The DH (dear hubby) and I will be lifting glasses of kombucha, our very first batch, to celebrate the New Year.  

I won't attempt to explain how to make kombucha.  Others have done this quite well and I'm a novice.  If you're interested in trying home brewing of this fermented tea beverage, I recommend you take a class or find a good book.  I've wanted to try for years but was always a little intimidated.  It's actually quite simple - and it's magic!



  1. Happy New Year to you and your hubby, Steph! The kombucha looks good. I'll have to read up on it.

  2. Happy New Year, Steph! May all good blessings be yours!

  3. Happy New Year! How was your kombucha? It certainly is interesting, but I'm not a very daring tea taster. :-)

  4. Hope it was delicious! I have thought of making it, but not sure I like it well enough to go to all the work when I can buy an occasional bottle at the market. Happy New Year to you and your hubby.

  5. Well, I'm impressed! I do enjoy kombucha but was afraid I'd probably kill us if I tried to make it myself. Sounds like you and your DH did well. Good for you!


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