Sunday, January 04, 2015

Happy Hot Tea Month!

Happy 2015 and Happy Hot Tea Month!  

I'm celebrating tea in all its many forms.  Here are just a few:  Afternoon tea (above, a recent tea party with my family, table styling by my 7-year old niece), Japanese green tea (below)...

Bowl-style oolong tea

Chinese-style gong fu tea

Japanese tea ceremony (That's me at  Hatsugama, "first kettle," today.)

Mug tea and much more!  No matter how you take your tea, may it be with a joyful heart.  Best wishes for the new year!  



  1. Hello! As a newbie tea-drinker, this post is very inspiring. I know it's probably an impossible question, but (in the spirit of hot tea month and all) what is your favorite tea?

    Lovely pictures by the way - especially the second one, everything about it is just perfect! :)

  2. I love your photos of your ways to celebrate many cups of hot tea.

  3. Hello Nicole and thank you for finding my blog! It's really hard to pick one tea, but if I had to, I would choose Bai Hao oolong (Oriental Beauty). Happy New Year!

  4. Thanks for the response, Steph! I love learning which tea is a person's favorite; I think it says something about them in a way. I'll definitely try it and let you know how I like it :)

  5. Lovely post! It is Hot Tea Month, and in any form it is a joy! NOT that it isn't HT month every month here as well...

  6. Happy New Year and Happy National Hot Tea Month! Today I'm taking it easy, catching up with blogs, and sipping a holiday tea in my favorite oversized Portmeirion mug

  7. Happy new year. And thanks for your post on Hot Tea Month
    With our cold weather it is a perfect time for it.

  8. The Viking Pattern is one of my favorites. It is great to see someone enjoying it. Happy New Year!

  9. Love the term "first kettle." Now I'm pondering but I can't even remember what my first cup of tea of the new year was. Maybe I should make that a ceremony of some sort each year ... Happy New Year and Happy Hot Tea Month!

  10. Been missing sipping much tea so far this year, but love your review and love that your were "first kettle". Happy New Year to you.

  11. Happy New Year! Isn't it wonderful how tea can be enjoyed in a myriad of ways?


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