Saturday, April 25, 2015

10 Year Anniversary and Giveaway!

This photo represents my tea journey: From British to Chinese and Taiwanese, to Japanese. 
The flower represent my husband's always-present love and encouragement.

The photo also represents friendship, family and adventure, as the things here
are gifts from loved ones or treasures from travels.

10 years ago today, I began this journey into blogging.  The little secret is that I did it as a work project, because I needed to develop training on blogging, and first I needed to learn how!  ;-)  What I didn't know is that I would stick with it for a decade and that I would make wonderful friends along the way.

I also didn't know how my tea life would grow and thrive. I started with a primary interest and business related to British-style tea. Over the years, tea took me on a journey of discovery into the leaf itself and its manifestation across many cultures - Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese. I have had the great privilege to travel to many of these countries in pursuit of tea. I look forward to learning so much more! Truly, tea is a remarkable way to learn about our one precious world.

I am humbled and ever so grateful for tea's influence in my life, and for yours.  Thank you for reading and commenting. 

To celebrate, I'm hosting a giveaway!  Just leave a comment and I will enter you into a drawing for tea, poetry and a surprise!


  1. Congratulations, Steph. I'm sure it's been a fulfilling journey.

  2. Congratulations, Steph. I'm sure you've had a fulfilling journey so far, and I doubt there is an end in sight.

  3. Congratulations on 10 years.

  4. I love your blog! Congratulations. Grateful for tea and for your friendship.

  5. Congratulations! Ten years is an awesome milestone and you've done a great job! I always enjoy your creative and thoughtful posts. Here's to 10 (plus) more productive blogging years!

  6. Happy Happy Blog-Birthday! Amazing how the world of blog grows on you! Many more!!!

  7. Jessica Campbell11:49 AM

    I love your idea of commemorating your journey through tea in one layered and meaningful picture. I'm about to go present a tea tasting for a co-workers family and close friends, and this gave me extra inspiration.

    - Jessica

  8. Glad to be a part of it. With your encouragement, I started blogging too. Congratulations!!!

  9. Congratulations! You have an interesting blog with lots of information. I look forward to reading many more years of it.

  10. Congratulations on 10 years of blogging, Steph! Yours was one of the first I read and definitely inspired me to start my own (now abandoned but much loved by me) blog.

  11. Celebrate! Congrats on the 10-year anniversary. Have enjoyed following your journey over the years... and look forward to the future!

  12. How wonderful, 10 years is quite an achievement. I met you through blogging and it has been pure JOY. Looking forward to more years.

  13. Kudos on your successful endeavors, and thank you for the time and effort it takes to share with your readers. I especially like the simplicity of your Ikebana flower display. Thank you for entering my name in your giveaway!

  14. Ten years is quite an accomplishment! Congratulations! I really value the authenticity of your posts and enjoy the lovely photography. As a new blogger your blog has been very inspiring. Thank you!

  15. Congratulations on achieving this awesome milestone, Steph! A decade of blogging is definitely something to be proud of! Thank you for sharing your tea journey with all of us through your creative and enlightening posts.

  16. Congratulations! Your blog continues to be beautiful and inspirational. I love the photo and the meaning of each item in it.

  17. Congratulations on your ten year journey and here's to many more!

  18. Dear Steph,
    WOW! Ten years, what a long time! My warmest congratulations - and thank you so much for your wonderful post-journeys through the world of tea!
    Best wishes from Siret

  19. Anonymous2:39 PM

    My Dear Friend,

    As you reflect on your past experiences and continue on your journey through the world of tea, I wish you congratulations and extend my heartfelt gratitude for sharing all of your special thoughts and beautiful photos.

    You have brought joy and enlightenment to many of your blog readers and have taken us all along on your tea odyssey.

    Best wishes, Stephanie, for many more years of discovery and learning.


    Mary Jane

  20. Anonymous2:39 PM

    My Dear Friend,

    As you reflect on your past experiences and continue on your journey through the world of tea, I wish you congratulations and extend my heartfelt gratitude for sharing all of your special thoughts and beautiful photos.

    You have brought joy and enlightenment to many of your blog readers and have taken us all along on your tea odyssey.

    Best wishes, Stephanie, for many more years of discovery and learning.


    Mary Jane

  21. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!

  22. Congratulations on ten years!


I value your comments, thank you!