Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Happy Earth Day! And Morning Cup of Tea by Walterrean Salley

Thank you to Walterrean Salley for this lovely poem.  It very much captures my feelings about tea in the early morning and fit perfectly with this photo I snapped of a sunrise back in January.


  1. Sharing this on FB. Love the tea poems you've found. Happy Earth Day!

  2. What a beautiful photo and poem. Happy Earth Day!

  3. What a magnificent photo, and Happy Earthy Day to you, too!

  4. Beautiful poem! Happy Earth Day! I've celebrated it since the early 70's when I had a science teacher who promoted it GREATLY! Every day is Earth Day!!!

  5. Beautiful poem! Happy Earth Day! I've celebrated it since the early 70's when I had a science teacher who promoted it GREATLY! Every day is Earth Day!!!

  6. Dear Steph,
    oh yes, these words describe very well the mood of a bright morning, enjoying a cup of delicious tea.
    And yes: every day is Earth Day!
    Let's try to make every day to a happy and joyful one, for us AND for others.
    Sunny regards, Siret


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