Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Giveaway Winner and Rwanda

First, congratulations to blukats for winning my blog giveaway!  And thank you all for the good wishes on my 10-year blog anniversary!

I am soon departing on a trip to Rwanda!  It's a volunteer service project sponsored by my employer. I am part of a team that will train teachers and technical staff on how to set up school networks and how to use computers in the classroom.  I am so fortunate to work for a company that supports this goodness.  

Over the weekend while I'm there, I'm very happy to share that I'll get to visit a tea plantation, along with trekking to see Mountain Gorillas!  Rwanda produces a lot of black tea, mostly destined for tea bags. The tea fields grow in the misty hills and I can't wait to be there in person.  

As time permits, I'll share photos and my personal experiences on this blog. In addition, you can find the "official" story here:

Murakoze, thank you!


  1. Wow, that's a surprise! Thank you and let me know if I need to contact you or what.

  2. Happy travels! I will look forward to your return and your stories.

  3. What an amazing experience this will be! Three of my coworkers have traveled to various countries in Africa and all have remarked that their trips were life changing. Thank you for making technology accessible to these students. I look forward to your hearing about your journey.

  4. Oh, wow, I love that your company is sponsoring this trip, and I love even more that you'll get to visit a tea plantation. Can't wait to hear about it when you get back. Happy travels to you!

  5. Congrats to blukats! And safe travels to you - sounds like a great adventure!


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