Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Tea Bar PDX, a Light-Filled Tea Space in Portland

I am very behind in getting this blog about Tea Bar PDX written, and I offer my apologies to the owner, Erica, for the delay!

I visited Tea Bar PDX on a bright and unseasonably warm spring day, and the space was sparkling with light. It was a Thursday afternoon, and yet the shop was busy! Erica was helping to serve customers and still made time for me as she grabbed a bite of lunch.

I enjoyed a matcha latte (made with agave and light on the sweetness) as I asked Erica about her tea and business journey. She's got an interesting story to tell and you should visit to hear it from her first hand.  

Erica credits Townshend's Tea on Alberta (another Portland tea shop) for inspiring her interest in tea. Add to that: She lived in China at the impressionable age of 16, she speaks Mandarin, she's joined up with her father's business in commercial properties, and Portland is an incubator for all things beverage. The logical outcome is Tea Bar.

I found the space to be peaceful and I'd like to return to with my journal and a good pen. Wifi is available (and I used it for a few work things), but it's also the kind of place where you can sit with a pot of tea and think.

The space is minimally appointed


Canisters of tea above the magazine table

From the table at the back, I look over my matcha latte


  1. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Wished I lived closer!

  2. I love visiting the Tea Bar. It is close enough to walk to, which I have done several times.

  3. Sit with a pot of tea and think? Oh, I wish I lived closer!

  4. That looks like a wonderful place to visit...I now have that on my list! Sorry I am so late responding to you visit…wild with visits and visitors…but pretty much back to normal. My iPad wouldn’t let me respond or see comments and links…sigh…ah technology!

  5. Your photographs have captured a calm serenity - best wishes to Erica on this adventure!


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