Friday, July 28, 2017

Tea Fest PDX: A Great Celebration for Us All

Wow - last weekend's Tea Fest PDX was amazing!  Raising my teacup to the core planning team that worked for over a year to bring this to fruition.  So many invisible tasks and challenges to meet. We are grateful! To the people who kept this dream alive over the years, thank you! To the volunteers who ensured the event ran well, you are awesome! To the NW Tea Fest team that not only loaned us equipment, but also came down to offer guidance and cheers, we are in your debt. 

Here are some photos.  Can't wait for next year!

The Vendor Showcase

Such an interesting mix of vendors!

Jennifer Petersen, local author and tea mentor

Richard Brandt, Portland potter who specializes in teaware

Babette Donaldson, promoting her endearing books and Sip for Peace coming in January, 2018

Reps from Brew Dr. Kombucha


Pearl Zhuo Zhang, Red Rob Teahouse and Cafe, Gong Fu tea ceremony

Marjorie Yap, Chado demonstration

Yoga, meditation and tea on the lawn, taught by Anja Sofia Churchill

Tea Tastings
David Galli, PDX Tea

Laurie and Charles Dawson, amazing tasting tea! 

Steven Odell in his custom tea van, Rabbit Moon Tea Arts

The Crowd and Staff
Jennifer Brenner (Tea Fest PDX leader) along with NW Tea Fest coaches,
and other friends

I loved seeing these women dressed in their beautiful Regency costumes

Friends dressed in Japanese kimono

These last two photos bring me to my final thoughts. Tea is a friend to all of us. Such diversity represented at this conference - in age, gender, clothing choice, ethnicity, tea preference, and much more. Tea brings us to commonality across these differences. What a truly beautiful thing.  


  1. It was definitely a "beautiful thing". Thanks for all you did too.

  2. Teafan12:09 PM

    It was an amazing event! You all should be proud.

  3. What a wonderful tea event! I especially like the different costumes.

  4. Steph, wish I could have been there! I'm a lifelong tea drinker.

  5. Enjoyed seeing these photos of the tea festival. May it continue to grow with each passing year!


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