Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Eclipse Viewing and Tea

I was lucky, here in Portland, to be in 99.2% coverage during yesterday's solar eclipse.  I enjoyed the viewing from a park near my home.  I went old-school with a pinbox projector.  I also brewed tea grown near Sun-Moon lake in Taiwan.  ;-)
Old Growth Tea, Black, from Sun-Moon Lake in Taiwan

Sun and Moon cups

As the eclipse was beginning
Due to the optics of the pinhole projector, the image is inverted

Crescent shadows through the trees

The twilight was beautiful, and I was lucky to see the shadow bands dancing on the sidewalk.

Did you enjoy tea with the eclipse?  Tell us about it!


  1. Very cool! I didn't have the proper viewing glasses so I kept my eyes firmly on the ground during the eclipse. Our local university had telescopes available for the public to use, but the line-ups were looooooong.

  2. What a perfect way to celebrate this special occasion. Since I was in California I didn't really celebrate, but did get to see a bit of it. I love all the pictures I have seen of the crescent shadows.

  3. A lovely celebration of this unique event. We only had 77% here... daylight darkened slightly. What an experience! And your tea looks great!


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