Saturday, March 15, 2014

Treacle Scones

Treacle scones

Ah, a slow Saturday morning!  The DH is out already and I slept in, then arose to nothing hurried.  I turned on Weekend Edition on NPR and made treacle scones.  Why do I make these only in March each year?  They are so delicious, I need to make them a regular treat.

For those of you thinking of St. Patrick's Day teas, here are a few additional ideas:
Do you have any fun St. Patrick's Day plans?  I'll be working, but plan to enjoy these treacle scones until then!


  1. Teafan1:21 PM

    I love that word treacle!

  2. They do sound good. I have been trying to be good and not eat scones, but finally weakened and made some this weekend. Not lovely treacle scones, but I think I love them all. Nothing planned for St. Patrick's day, but your suggestions do sound delicious!

  3. I just checked out the recipe for your treacle scones and they look delicious! Will have to give them a try!

  4. Sounds like a perfect lazy Saturday morning to me! You know, I've heard of treacle but don't believe I've ever tried it. Must investigate!


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