Friday, November 02, 2007

Fridays and New Tea Blogs

It's Friday, almost noon, and I'm still in my PJs. That's one of the joys of working from home! I learned this comfy Friday ritual from my colleague Allibrew. Tho the PJs-on-Friday deal did come at a (small) price today! I had an impromptu video call earlier with my teammate C - so she got to see me looking like I'd just rolled out of bed.

There are two tea blogs I've recently discovered that I want to point you toward. I am regularly reading these two blogs, and enjoying them greatly:

Rosemary's Sampler - One of the authors, Nancy, is a friend from the Tea in London tour. I particularly enjoyed the recent St. Fiacre post! The DH has spoken about St. Fiacre, the gardening saint, but I didn't know the back story.

Tea with Friends - Check out the current post about Sew Somerset magazine and making tea tags.

I'm off to comb my hair!


Rosemary said...

Thanks Steph for the link to our new herb/tea related blog! I've been enjoying your excursion to Chicago! Thanks for posting about this recent adventure. Looking forward to next chapter!


Anonymous said...

good work,informative
i have also tried my hands in hub page creation its for green tea
ur comments & views are welcome.